Office Address: 1401 Viscaya Parkway, Suite 3, Cape Coral, Florida 33990

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 152636, Cape Coral, Florida 33915

  • HOME
  • Mission Goals

    1. To fulfill the great Commission, promote the world missionary through outreach, prayer, and giving.   To go into the jails, prisons and other locations where the incarcerated are and teach them about God and His Compassion.


    2. To seek out God’s guidance and direction in finding jobs, housing, and transportation, for ex-prisoners.


    3. To help the prisoners and ex-prisoners to stay off drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and all other ungodly habits.  To work with them to keep them out of jail.


    4. To give out Bibles, tapes, sermons, and pamphlets.  To send cards and letters of encouragement to prisoners all over the state of Florida.


    5. Teaching the ex-prisoner how to stay out of jail.


    6. To help the homeless find shelter, food, and the necessities of life.


    7. To direct people to a discipleship source or program which will minister to their individual needs.  To maintain constant communication with the participating network members so that follow up can be established.


    8. To combat juvenile delinquency by working with inmates and their families.


    9. To maintain safe and secure operations for staff, visitors, inmates, and their families.


    10. To elect a Board of Directors each year for their wise and Godly direction that we desperately need.


    11. To raise money needed for operations of the ministry, including equipment, office, office supplies, Bibles, and other literature, or receive necessary items by donations.


    12. To organize a volunteer staff to help in all aspects of the ministry.


    13. To educate our staff about the problems in and around Lee County and how we can help alleviate some of these problems such as suicides, abortions, and homeless deaths.


    14. To extend the supporting hand of friendship in time of crisis.


    15. To work to the advancement of Christianity.   Get people back into their local Churches.